
Sights and activities

Here you can find information about the attractions close to Salpalinjan Hovi and Lappeenranta which are available to the guests.
If you cannot find an activity of your preference or need more information, call or e-mail us and we will try to answer and fulfill your requests.


Rutola village trail

Enjoy nature and get to know local history.

Salpa line war history sights

You can visit nearby bunkers, salpa line structures and war history sights.

Saimaa GeoPark

Gem of eastern Finland.  Couple hundred meters from hotel is Myllylampi which is part of large Saimaa Geopark.

Barbeque grill at your disposal

You can use our barbeque grill freely.

Old school yard and borrow outdoor games

You can play on outdoor games on nearby yard on summer and winter. We have equipments for  petanque, crocket and badminton and other outdoor games.

Winter activities

Next to hotel is lighted ice rink for skating. Skiing tracks can be found 100 meters away. You can borrow skates, skis, snow shoes and sleds from the hotel.

Swimming spot 400m from the door

Good birdwatching opportunities on yard and neighbourhood

Southern Carelia has excellent spots for bird watching.

Fishing opportunites

You can borrow fishing  and ice fishing equipment from us.
Read about everyman’s rights

Good mushroom and berry picking grounds

Paddling opportunites

Our location is by a paddling route.

Artist Raili Salojärven home studio

One kilometer from hotel.

Media and technology

Every room has a TV and entire hotel has free Wi-Fi

Sights and activities

Sights and activities
Especially for families with children
Nearby towns

Lemi, 14 km from Salpalinjan Hovi

Luumäki 30 km from Salpalinjan Hovi

Imatra 46 km from Salpalinjan Hovis

Ylämaa 32 km from Salpalinjan Hovi

  • Jewelry fair: “Ylämaa’s international jewelry and mineral fair is Finland’s oldest and biggest event in its field”

What would you like to do?
Tell us

Write us what would you like to do and we do our best to make it happen.